Five Easy Renovations to Add Extra Value to Your Home

It’s hard to put a price on a home that’s filled with love and sentiment. Unfortunately, the housing market doesn’t quite agree. The cute little nicks and imperfections that give a home it’s charm, tend to drive down the market value. However, there’s no need for homeowners to spend months making changes to their homes. With five simple changes, they can expect to see the value of their homes increase. Add Plants to Front Yard Judging a book by its cover isn’t a very good idea. However, judging a house by its front yard is par for the course in the housing market. Giving the yard a facelift will boost its curb appeal. The addition of flower beds with colorful, low-maintenance plants will help a home stand out. Shrubs and bushes can be used as a barrier between a home and the unsightly one next door. However, it’s best to go with plant varieties that will withstand the climate conditions of the area. Change the Lighting Bigger houses tend to sell for larger amounts. Unfortun...