How to Fix 5 Problems with Your House in the Winter

Is your house safe and sound this winter? Chances are, any problems are showing up right now. Drafty rooms, cold spots or icicles on the roof call for home repair. Here are five common winter problems and how to fix them. Faulty Airflow Heating the house can make the air very dry. Moisture is nonetheless a problem inside homes in the winter. Newer homes with efficient insulation will retain moisture from showers, pots boiling on the stove, clothes dryer vents that leak moist air back into the house and damp firewood stored indoors. When moist air is trapped in cool places, the water condenses. Mold can grow inside the warmest house. The solution is correct the airflow. If mold exists, eliminate it completely with detergent and water. Cold Windows If condensation occurs on indoor window panes, the glass is not properly insulated and is getting cold. Replace single-pane with double-glazed windows. Even double-paned glass can cause condensation in extreme cold. Cover the windows...