Growing Cantaloupe at Home

Growing Cantaloupe at home are tastier compared to store-bought ones. The secret is a lot of sunlight, heat, and moisture. Melons require 2 to 3 months heat, which makes cultivating them in northern areas a bit hard, though not hopeless. Making use of black ground cover to make the soil warm and using floating row covers to lock in warm air around plants help gardeners anywhere in the country grow cantaloupes. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C as well as antioxidants. Planting Planting cantaloupes can be effortlessly initiated by direct seeding. Plant seeds in your garden as deep as 1/2 – 1 inch. They are usually grown in hills around 4-6 feet spaced out from each other. These fruits can’t tolerate frost. Warm temperature is required so it is best to plant them 4 weeks after last frost day at least. Cantaloupes will mature in between 80 to 100 warm days to fully develop. Fertilizing You can apply slow release fertilizer once during planting period. You may fertilize it monthly af...