Old Made New: How to Make Your Fixer Upper Fixable

Fixing up an old residence can be a lot of work, but also very rewarding. Before starting the actual renovation project, though, you should make sure you know what you’re up against. Without these pre-planning steps, your renovation efforts can run into problems, including serious ones involving safety.

Create the Renovation Plan
Before you start any renovation, decide exactly what changes are needed or desired. This may require a simple walk-through, if the renovations are purely cosmetic. If the residence has issues beyond aesthetic problems, you may need to consult specialists like electricians and plumbers to determine what must be fixed and brought up to safety code. Major renovations can take a lot of time, but it helps if you have a thorough plan of action, including planning your living arrangements during the process.

Secure Structural Weaknesses
For safety reasons, anytime you will be making major renovations, such as adding or removing walls or installing new sub floors, you should first secure the home’s structure. This can entail fortifying weakened walls, beams, and joists and repairing the foundation and fixing a leaking roof. Only qualified professionals should perform these fixes.

Remove or Cover Furniture and other Valuable Fixtures
If you are renovating the entire residence and won’t be living there during the renovation, it’s often best just to move all of the furniture into temporary storage. This way, it will be safely out of the way during the whole process. Otherwise, purchase plastic sheeting to cover all cushioned furniture, and blankets or foam padding to cover wood tables and similar surfaces.

Rent a Dumpster
When renovation means big changes, such as tearing out walls or flooring, you will have a lot of debris to clear out of the home. The easiest way to deal with this is to rent a dumpster to be placed on site. You might even want to check out professionals like Majik NYC services who can get rid of renovation waste safely when you live in a big city. Don’t wait until after the construction has finished to look for cleaners. Hire your renovation cleaners ahead of time. Professional cleaners know what to do and can do it quickly and efficiently.

The better you prepare your home for the renovation, the easier and faster everything will go. Many people get in a hurry and cut corners in this initial stage, and often pay for it later. Treat the pre-renovation stage as important as any other stage of the project, and you will be on the right track.


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