4 Secrets to Vetting Your Renovation Contractor

Homeowners who are ready to upgrade their home and increase its value are going to need a contractor to help them through this process. There are countless considerations to make and what appears to be a minor issue could become a major fiasco without an experienced renovator. Here is a look at four secrets of vetting your next renovation contractor to ensure that you make the right choice the very first time.

1. Ensure They Are Credentialed
After asking for the initial quote, one of the easiest ways to limit the pool of potential renovation contractors is to ask about credentialing. There is no reason to ever go with a remodeling company that is not fully licensed, bonded, and insured because even a minor mishap can become a financial and legal nightmare. The fine for remodeling without a building permit may cost the homeowner and their contractor $50,000 or more as a first-time offender, but these are issues that can be avoided entirely with an experienced, bonded, and insured contractor.

2. How Accurate Is Their Time Management and Planning?
When it comes to renovating a home or place of business, having a renovation extend past the anticipated completion date is heartbreaking. Families may find themselves cut off from certain areas of their home while business owners may have to shut down their offices or inconvenience their customers with these projects. Before ever driving that first nail or purchasing any supplies the contractor should be able to give a strict timeline and completion date to their client.

3. Do They Perform Assurance Checks?
Instead of waiting for inspectors to check on the quality and legality of any upgrades, the contractor should be carrying out their own assurance checks every step of the way. Whether you are planning on major renovations in Orillia or Ottawa, finding out that an addition is illegal or not up to code will not only set the timeline back, it could quickly eat into the homeowner’s budget and bring the entire operation to a standstill.

4. Ask For References
Once the pool of contractors has been narrowed a little further, it is time to start asking them for references. All experienced remodeling specialists should have a variety of references for all types of jobs readily available. Contacting even just one or two of their references will give customers a good idea about what to expect from their contractors and what kind of budget they should set.

Choosing the wrong renovation contractor can be a devastating mistake for any business owner or family. These few tips will help you choose a trustworthy and affordable contractor with unparalleled customer service.


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