5 Custom Home Upgrades That Make Life More Frugal

Frugal homeowners searching for ways to save on their household expenses should look first at upgrading and improving the house and its’ systems. With modern technology always finding new ways to go about saving money on energy and home expenses. While some upgrades aren’t cheap, they can definitely pay for themselves over time. Take a look at a few upgrades that you might consider if you are looking for a long term solution for your energy problems.

Solar Panels
A whole-house solar system setup is a huge investment, so you may want to solarize your house in stages. A good starting point is your hot water heater, which represents a large portion of your energy consumption. The second biggest energy hogs are your appliances. If you can’t afford large-scale projects, look first to smaller solar units to run small appliances, computers and televisions. Outdoor solar lighting is inexpensive and efficient at keeping your home safe. There are many modern options for this as it is a growing industry. Do your research and look for what will work best for your home.

Energy Efficient Windows
Double-paned replacement windows with Low-E glass give you the best return on your investment. To spread the cost out, you can replace one or two at a time. Experts say that going with triple-paned or denser glass just adds cost without any appreciable long-term savings. A cheaper alternative is installing storm windows, which can be a good weekend DIY project. Insulated draperies add another layer of protection against drafts and sunlight.

Energy Efficient Appliances
The latest energy efficient appliances are expensive, but they pay for themselves in just a few years. Replacing one appliance at a time will get you started on your frugal energy savings journey. Many frugal homeowners find that a large toaster oven is sufficient for most of their baking needs, and it saves up to 75% over a regular oven.

Added/Upgraded Insulation
If you live in an old house, your wall insulation is probably not sufficient. Fortunately, there are insulation materials that can be blown into the walls to make your home more energy efficient. Adding insulation to your attic is another way to lower your electric bills, and this is easy to do yourself. Be sure to check the R-value of your insulation. Anything over an R-14 does not add sufficient additional savings to justify the cost.

Rain Catchment System
A 1,000 square foot roof can provide 600 gallons of water from one inch of rainfall. Rain catchment systems, such as rain barrels and cisterns, help recycle that water back into your landscaping, thus saving your money. Using professionals, like those at K Gordon Construction, to install a reverse-osmosis filter system allows you to also use that water for bathing and dishwashing. This type of upgrade is a big change so be ready for some lifestyle alterations.

Being frugal doesn’t always mean not spending money. A frugal homeowner knows that sometimes investing in energy-saving upgrades can not only lead to big savings over time but add to the value of the property. Consider these upgrades next time you are wanting to go with a more frugal upgrade.


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