Staging Your Home to Close the Sale

 At any given time of the year, there are over three million homes for sale in the United States. That's a lot of competition if you're trying to sell your house. Real estate experts know that staging can make the difference in a home that sells and one that languishes on the market. Here is how to stage your home the right way:

1.Repaint the Walls

The first step in staging a home is to repaint the walls. If you're moving, pack before you paint. If you are living in your home while you try to sell it, store everything but the essentials. Paint the walls in each room in a neutral tone. You may like bold violets are subtle peaches, but they could be distracting to people looking at your house. Remember that people will mentally furnish and decorate your home as they walk through the open house; neutral walls help them imagine their own belongings in your home.

2.Purposeful Rooms

Most of us have one room in our house that serves as the catch-all. We pile unused furnishings, home decor items and even junk in these rooms. Empty that room and give it a transformation. Add a desk and an arm chair to turn it into a study or office. Add books on a shelf and a comfortable loveseat to turn it into a library. Borrow a bed and a nightstand from friends and turn the room into a cozy place for guests.

3.Remove Clutter

When staging a room, resist the urge to put all of your knickknacks back in place. Clutter is disturbing to the eye and shoppers will decide against your home without really knowing why. Instead, put out a few accessories in odd-numbered groupings. Odd numbers are more pleasing to the eye and will give your room a comfortable, pleasing feel.

4.Finish Projects

You should never show your home if you have projects started that you've never finished. You can be sure that potential buyers will notice that unfinished floor, those cracks in your wall and the water spots on your ceiling. It can be difficult to see the things that you live with every day. Ask a trusted friend to walk through your home as if they were going to buy it and make a list of what they see wrong. Once you have your list in hand, get to work.


You should have 100 watts of lighting for each 50-square feet of space in your home. It will seem like overkill to live with, but it will help sell your home. Install a variety of lighting fixtures. A floor lamp, a table lamp and wall sconces are perfect for the living room. A floor lamp and table lamps on the nightstands are great for the bedroom. The more light in your home, the more welcoming it feels.

You love your decorating style or you wouldn't have chosen the pieces that you did. That doesn't mean that everyone shares your taste. If you want to sell your home quickly, staging is a must. Follow these tips to make your home attractive to its new owner.


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